About me

My name is Sheila and I'm 29 years old. I have lived on the Oregon Coast my whole life. I have a sister who is 25 years old. I am an Aunt to two little girls who are 3 years old. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. I would love for people to follow my journey and hopefully get inspired.

I have been heavy my whole life. I finally decided to do something about it and recently had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy done on 6/4/12. It is one of the best things I have done in my life. I started the whole process of having surgery in November 2011. At the time I weighed 227 lbs. The day of surgery I weighed 201 lbs. During the 6 months of waiting for surgery I quit drinking soda and started to eat more healthy. Was the hardest thing ever, but I did it and still am doing it. People say that having this surgery is the easy way out. Please let me assure you there is nothing easy about this. If your not sure what the surgery is you can Google Vertical Sleeve Surgery and there are videos and information on the surgery. I now weigh 185 lbs, but I am burning muscle instead of fat. It is very important for me to keep as much muscle as I can. Getting this surgery done will only take you far. I know I have the power in myself to do this. I want to be able to do all the things in life I have always wanted to do.


My story is that I have always been heavy. I remember when I was around 12 years old I just wanted to be like everyone else, skinny. I had went to the Aquatic center with some friends. I never really liked to go swimming, but I figured what the heck why not. So here I am trying to be brave. I decided to go down the slide. Not even half way down I get stuck. SO EMBARRASSING!! I remember some kids yelling at me to go. I told them I'm trying. Once I finally made it down I just sat in the corner and cried. I will never forget that. You would think that would be a reason to try and better myself, but I think at 12 years old you really don't understand things yet. When I turned about 18 years old I noticed I had like this worm thing on my stomach. Come to find out it was a stretch mark. How gross! I felt horrible about myself. I decided to try every diet pill there was and every eating plan there was. I started to take a certain diet pill. Was all great in the beginning. I lost 15 lbs in 2 weeks. I decided I didn't need the pills anymore so I quit taking them. Oh no it begins. I gained all the weight back and then some. I ended up gaining 30 lbs back. It has been an ongoing battle since then. I think to myself I can do this I can eat healthy and workout and all that stuff, but the truth is that I stuggle to motivate myself. I know with being a coach I have no choice but to be motivating to myself and others and I love that. I can grow as a person inside and out. I finally had a heart to heart with myself. I told myself if I didn't take care of me then who would? I have no one to blame for the way I am but myself. So I said self it's time to stand up and say no more. I'm here taking a stand in front of many people saying I can and I will do this. Not just for me, but for the people who struggle in life and for the people who get stuck in the middle of slides too. Let the fun begin. I hope everyone buckles up because this is going to be a FUN and EXTREME ride!

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