About me

My name is Sheila and I'm 29 years old. I have lived on the Oregon Coast my whole life. I have a sister who is 25 years old. I am an Aunt to two little girls who are 3 years old. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. I would love for people to follow my journey and hopefully get inspired.

I have been heavy my whole life. I finally decided to do something about it and recently had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy done on 6/4/12. It is one of the best things I have done in my life. I started the whole process of having surgery in November 2011. At the time I weighed 227 lbs. The day of surgery I weighed 201 lbs. During the 6 months of waiting for surgery I quit drinking soda and started to eat more healthy. Was the hardest thing ever, but I did it and still am doing it. People say that having this surgery is the easy way out. Please let me assure you there is nothing easy about this. If your not sure what the surgery is you can Google Vertical Sleeve Surgery and there are videos and information on the surgery. I now weigh 185 lbs, but I am burning muscle instead of fat. It is very important for me to keep as much muscle as I can. Getting this surgery done will only take you far. I know I have the power in myself to do this. I want to be able to do all the things in life I have always wanted to do.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Days 2 & 3 of ChaLEAN Extreme

First thing I can say about day 2 is that I totally can feel the muscles I have worked. It feels awesome. I am sore after the 2nd day and that is ok with me because I know I'm doing something good to my body. I'm not going to lie it is a little bit of a struggle because I am no where near fit. I have about 50+ pounds to lose. I haven't worked out in like forever. Honestly, I don't think I have ever done a work out like this. I did notice with the 2nd day that when I ate 30 minutes prior to working out I had more energy to do the workout. On day 1 I wasn't able to complete the work out because I didn't have any food(energy) in me. I made sure on the 2nd day to eat and see what happens and it helped a lot.

On the 3rd day(today 7/19/12) it was a challenging. It was a longer workout then the last 2 I have done, but was a different kind of workout. To me it was a little more cardio, but still a great workout. My body feels it too. Right now I feel exhausted and it's because my body is not used to this kind of workout. My boyfriend is doing this with me and made a comment that he was frustrated because he felt the 3rd day was advanced. I told him not to worry. It's like riding a bike. In the beginning your going to be a little wobbly fall down a few times, but you get better everytime you get on your bike. Just like exercising, once you start it your a little wobbly and not as strong, but everytime you start that workout you get stronger and better everytime. As long as you give it your all and try your hardest that's all you can do. I was told by someone that if you can not complete a workout, try stretching your body. When I come to a point I just can't go anymore I stretch and keep my body moving. You would be amazed at what strecthing does for your body. So all I can say to everyone is please do not give up. It is worth it. You are worth it. My boyfriend has been a trooper through this and will continue on this journey. He has started a change of life for himself. He feels great after working out which I love.

Please stay tuned for more......

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